UNS ACTIVE: "Achievement Orientation, Customer Satisfaction, Team Work, Integrity, Visionary, Entrepreneurship"

  • Program Studi TEKNIK KIMIA

    Program Studi TEKNIK KIMIA

  • KampusHijau UNS

    KampusHijau UNS

    Lingkungan pembelajaran yang sejuk
  • Dosen Teknik Kimia

    Dosen Teknik Kimia

    Tenaga pendidik Teknik Kimia UNS
  • Demonstration Plant  Teknologi Gasifikasi Cangkang Sawit

    Demonstration Plant Teknologi Gasifikasi Cangkang Sawit

    Tim Gasifikasi UNS mengembangkan Teknologi Gasifikasi Cangkang Sawit untuk pemanas agrerat hot mixed asphalt. Asphalt Mixing Plant (AMP)
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  • Teknologi Penyimpanan Energi Listrik  UNS

    Teknologi Penyimpanan Energi Listrik UNS

    Tim Teknik Kimia UNS dengan Riset Teknologi Baterai dan meterial maju (Prof. Dr.Eng Agus Purwanto, Dr. Adrian Nur, Dr. Endah Retno D., Dr. Arif Jumari) tergabung dalam Pusat Unggulan Ipteks Penyimpanan Energi Listrik yang biasa dikenal dengan PUI Baterai. PUI Baterai merupakan teaching factory yang dapat digunakan sebagai sarana pembelajaran, penelitian dan magang mahasiswa baik D3, S1 maupun S2 Teknik Kimia UNS.
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  • Pemanfaatan CO2 menjadi Dimethyl Ether (DME)

    Pemanfaatan CO2 menjadi Dimethyl Ether (DME)

    Tim Teknik Kimia UNS yang terdiri dari Anatta Budiman, Ph.D, Inayati, Ph.D, Dr. Margono dan Dr. Bregas S, mengembangkan katalis dry reforming methane dan sintesis DME dengan pendanaan Penelitian kerjasama Pertamina-Universitas tahun 2020-2022.
    Learn more

Mangesthi Luhur Ambangun Nagara


About Us

Gravity was founded in 1963 to provide students with excellent academic programs and a nurturing environment with close student-teacher relationships. Gravity is a private yet affordable elementary school offering a stimulating curriculum and a supportive environment to ensure our students experience success every day.

We Accept applications from prospective parents throughout the year and those interested are encouraged to contact the school by way of telephone or e-mail by using the contact form to get information. In order to gain more insight into our program, parents should attend.

Over the years, we’ve been able to build a reputation as one of the best independent elementary schools and we are still the best.

Over the years, we’ve been able to build a reputation as one of the best independent elementary schools. We understand the importance of putting students in the right environment for academic success. Accepts applications from prospective parents throughout the year and those interested are encouraged to contact the school by way of telephone or e-mail by using the contact form to get information. We Accept applications from prospective parents throughout the year and those interested are encouraged to contact the school by way of telephone or e-mail by using the contact form to get information. In order to gain more insight into our program.

Our beliefs

Our mission

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present.

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Our mission

Our mission

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present.

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Our vision

Our vision

Do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.

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Kelebihan Teknik Kimia UNS


  • Terakreditasi Unggul BAN PT s/d 2026
  • Terakreditasi Internasional IABEE
  • Fasilitas kuliah lengkap
  • Biaya kuliah murah
  • Biaya hidup murah
  • Dosen dan staf yang ramah
  • Kampusnya adem

aktifitas lab

  • Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik kimia

    Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik kimia adalah organisasi mahasiswa tingkat sarjana di Teknik Kimia UNS

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  • Keluarga Diploma Tiga Teknik Kimia

    Keluarga Diploma Tiga Teknik Kimia adalah organisasi mahasiswa tingkat diploma di Teknik Kimia UNS

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  • Himpunan Alumni Teknik Kimia

    Himpunan Alumni Teknik Kimia adalah organisasi para alumni baik itu tingkat diploma maupun sarjana di Teknik Kimia UNS

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Akreditasi Unggul BANPT


Akreditasi IABEE

Penelitian & Pengabdian pada Masyarakat

Riset Grup

kami berusaha menjadi bagian yang terdepan dalam penelitian mengenai sintesis bahan alam, pencarian energi berkelanjutan berbasis hayati, dan pengembangan material maju.


Salah satu kontribusi nyata kami untuk bangsa Indonesia lebih maju dan sejahtera melalui ilmu teknik kimia


Sinergi antara akademisi dan industri bertujuan untuk mengikuti perubahan-perubahan teknologi terbaru di dunia industri

Talk to us

085 888 5555