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Comprehension Test

The change in the 2014 curriculum to 2019 was carried out partly because of the UNS Rector's Regulation Number 582/UN27/HK/2016 concerning the Management and Implementation of Bachelor's Degree Program Education that the implementation of courses must follow the number of credits. The Engineering Ethics, Comprehensive Education and Test Curriculum 2014 course has 0 - 1 credit, so its implementation is not following these regulations because it is only carried out in 1 meeting. Therefore, in the 2019 Curriculum, the three courses are included in the Chemical Engineering Design Final Project (TA-PPK) course. The series of TA-PPK courses require that the Thesis Exam can be done after the student has attended the Engineering Ethics course and has passed the Comprehensive Examination (minimum score of 60).
The Comprehensive Examination is an obligation that must be carried out properly by Bachelor's Degree students in Chemical Engineering as a series of TA-PPK courses that cover all Chemical Engineering courses, namely fundamental knowledge of Chemical Engineering, Chemical Engineering Operations, and the design of plant design tools. The exam is represented by questions consisting of five subject groups, namely Unit Operations, Processes, Mathematics, Thermodynamics, and Reaction Engineering and Research Support. In practice, the computer-based exam is conducted at the Chemical Engineering Computer Laboratory simultaneously, limited by time, and carried out with full integrity. However, during the COVID-19 pandemic, exams could only be conducted online at the location of each student.
Regarding the implementation of comprehensive online and simultaneous exams, the PSSTK stipulates several regulations:
. Comprehensive exams are conducted online at the same time (simultaneously).
2. Students who will take the exam must register with the Study Program Admin.
3. Students are required to take a comprehensive exam at the specified time.
4. Students must follow the guidelines and procedures for the comprehensive examination.
5. The work results will be announced within one week.
The following files support the implementation of the Chemical Engineering Study Program, Engineering Faculty, Universitas Sebelas Maret Comprehensive Exam:
2. Panduan dan Tata Tertib Ujian Komprehensif 2020/2021
3. Form Lembar The Comprehensive Examination
Pelaksanaan Ujian Komprehensif
The online and simultaneous Comprehensive Examination for the 2020/2021 Academic Year will be held on:
Date: Friday, 30 April 2021
Time: 07.30 – 11.00
1. Exam Preparation: 30 minutes
2. Exam Implementation: 150 minutes
a. Theory/Basic Concept Questions – multiple choice (ABCD)
b. Calculation/Ppplied Questions – short answers
3. Uploading the calculation sheet: 30 minutes

List of Exam Participants: LINK
Exam Implementation:
a. Theory/Basic Concept Questions https://bit.ly/3gH5e2E (hanya digunakan untuk satu kali tes)
b. Calculation/Applied Questions https://bit.ly/3e0oTsR (hanya digunakan untuk satu kali tes)
c. Uploading the calculation sheet https://bit.ly/3dXUhrU (hanya digunakan untuk satu kali tes)

Before taking the Comprehensive Exam, all students are expected to study and understand all the guidelines & procedures for administering the exam, pay attention to the exam schedule, and do well until the exam passing standard is achieved.

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